New apartments are now available cheaper than ever. The government’s mortgage subsidy programme, Safe Loan 2%, is launching in July. HREIT appreciates initiatives that make it easier for families to move into their own home – so we are pleased to announce that residential units on a 2% loan will also be available within our development projects.
Preferential loans may be available to people under 45 years of age who do not have and have not had either their own apartment or house nor cooperative housing rights. The maximum mortgage amount for a single person is PLN 500,000, and for married couples or parents with children – PLN 600,000. The beneficiary of the programme will receive a subsidy for 10 years in the amount of the difference between a fixed rate based on the average interest rate for fixed-rate loans at lending banks and the fixed 2%. At the same time, it is possible to take advantage of the “Housing Without Own Contribution” offer, also available as part of HREIT development projects.
Move to an attractive location, on a safe and quiet estate, to a modern, spacious and aesthetically-finished unit - check out our range of apartments!